Friday, July 15, 2011

Chantilly - Day 6

Day 6 and I'm starting to get annoyed with slow progress on the interior of the house, for some reason today this all seems so very fiddly lol.  I managed to get some more wood strips so I could finish off the 2nd storey flooring and got in to the trim, and more trim, and more trim.  I even had the foresight to do a dry fit on the staircase before slapping too much trim down.  I have apparently papered over a very necessary hole for the 2nd storey railing - locating it again was tricky, I eventually resorted to backlighting with a lighter and then a delicate stab to pierce only the one layer of paper, then with the flooring down I had to trim up the end rail and now it should all fit.

I have to say i'm in love with this pecan stain for flooring, I wish I had used it for the dining room floor as well, and somehow I ended up with a brown side and a light side when it comes to the floors, I hope that doesn't make the finished product look too lopsided.

My fireplace is currently drying partially assembled and with its first coat of black enamel.  I just have to decide on the final placement, I still kind of want to put it under the stairs - but that damn chimney, somehow a natural gas fireplace insert just doesn't jive with me!

Lots of pictures from today, looks like by the end of it I was able to pull the rooms for the most part together!

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