Monday, July 18, 2011

Chantilly - Day 8

Today was roofing and staircase installation day, as well as trying to figure out what the hell to do with this silly little fireplace.  I chopped up some balsa wood and framed out a case for the insert to see how it would look under the staircase.  Originally I had entertained putting it in the corner but the windows are in the way.

Alternatively, I could cover the two side windows with a chimney and put the fireplace front and centre in the living room.  I will slide this fireplace around for the next couple of days before making a decision, it's far too hot here to be thinking anyway!

The roof was .. let's say.. an adventure to put on.  it's a snug fit for sure, gotta love those laser kits for having zero give.  I was able to secure it down with wood glue and an insane amount of masking tape however - no mega clamp reqired.

Another discovery was with the staircase, although all the individual pieces go in nicely on a dry fit, when you actually put that bottom stair in it secures everything quite rigidly, and with no give, and with the hardwood flooring, that rail going upstairs is next to impossible to get in.  I ended up having to surgically alter the side rail by cutting off the tab and then compensating with glue, there was no way in hell that rail was going in any other way.  I think if I were doing this kit again, I'd install the stairs (or at least the case) right after the first walls go up, floor around it, and never have to worry about it again :)

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